Meetings are held at Buttonball Lane School, 376 Buttonball Lane, Glastonbury, CT 06033. We will utilize the All-Purpose Room (Cafeteria), Gymnasium and fields behind the school.
The school policies apply at all times. If you can't do it in school, you can't do it at Cub Scouts.
The Buttonball Lane School motto is H-E-R-O or "Here Everyone Respects Others". The Pledge of respect is "I pledge to respect myself; respect others; respect learning; respect our school."
We adhere to the principles of the Scouts as well as those of Buttonball Lane School.
The typical format of a meeting is
Arrival : 6:15 - 6:30pm. We will have 15 minutes (or so) of games in the Gym (if available) while we setup for the meeting in the APR. While the kids are in the gym, you may have some time to share feedback with the leaders in the APR. We welcome any thoughts you might have !
Flag Ceremony : The kids will walk down the hall in formation carrying the flag to the All Purpose Room (the cafeteria).
Meeting : The kids will enter the APR with the flag and fall in. We all face the flag and say the pledge. We then recite the Scout Law and Scout Oath. The kids all "cross-em up" (sit down with their legs crossed) and we let them share for about ten minutes. We'll go through any announcements, give out awards, and get started on our evening's activity. This should not take more than fifteen minutes.
Scouts are encouraged to attend all scheduled functions from September through May. We completely understand if you cannot make all the events. The pack is flexible and will do what we can to work with you (for example if you miss something required for your child to get a badge). If we have an event and you can only come for a part of it, that is fine ! If we have a camp out and you want to come but skip the camping part - no worries ! Everyone is very busy these days, there are many conflicts, sports, parties, family events - we know ! Do what you are able to do that is best for your family. This is a no-stress pack !
Parental Participation
Cub Scouts only works well when parents are engaged and willing participants in the activities and goals of the children. Remember, the leadership of this pack are also parents just like you. We have the all the same fun and challenges you do raising our own ! We do our best to get them to listen, learn and grow; we will do the same with your kids, but it is much easier with you than without you.
Often the activities that they have to achieve in the dens as they earn awards throughout the year require home participation as well. For example they might need to plan meals, do chores, work on a schedule. We expect that you will help them reach their goals along with us.
Cub Scouts is not a drop-off activity. We expect your scout to have a parent or parent-appointed representative with them at all times.
Family Participation
Your entire family is a part of your scout's fun ! Any event we have you are welcome and encouraged to bring your family along ! If they have siblings they are welcome to participate in all the fun we have. Sometimes the achievements they earn will have family goals as well.
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
A Scout is:
Trustworthy Loyal
Helpful Friendly
Courteous Kind
Obedient Cheerful
Thrifty Brave
Clean Reverent
The Aims of Scouting are:
Character, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, and Leadership
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Do your best !
We don't just say these things. It should be the goal of every Cub Scout to take these things we say to heart and make it a part of their personal goals to be a better person.
Religious Policy
The Scout Movement includes Members of many different faiths and religions as well as those with no formal religion. Pack 241 is no different. We are not here to guide your kids one way or another. Your beliefs are yours and we respect those whatever they may be.